Home Products Tile adhesive

Tile adhesive: basic characteristics

GK AQUATRON offers high-performance tile adhesive. The adhesive is manufactured in compliance with the European standard EN 12004 «Adhesive for tile».

According to the test results, the material is water-resistant; the type of material is C, class 1. The product meets the requirements of GOST R 56387-2018.

Benefits of AQUATRON tile adhesive:

  • Unique character of the adhesive mixture is stipulated by usage of penetrating waterproofing additive. AQUATRON-6 compound improves water resistance of the compound and treated surfaces;
  • The use of the mixture excludes drench of the foundations and fungoid growth;
  • The life of the finish coating is significantly increased;
  • Adhesive composition is supplemented by imported and domestic additives from mineral and polymer raw materials, which provides strength of the ready mix and reduces its weight. These features lead to reduction of the load on the loadbearing structures;
  • The material contains no hazardous or toxic substances, is easy to apply;
  • suitable for using large tiles (60x60 cm).

Scope of application

Tile adhesive is applied to perform finishing of surfaces resistant to deformation, in particular:

  • Bathrooms and shower rooms;
  • Basements;
  • hydraulic engineering facilities;
  • Swimming pools;
  • building pedestals;
  • Pump stations;
  • Balconies;
  • Tanks, etc.

Apply the compound at temperature range of +5 to +40°C.

Specifications of AQUATRON tile adhesive:

  • Highelasticity, easytospread on the work surface.
  • Water resistant due to the use of waterproofing additive.
  • Reliable adhesion of the ceramic tile and other materials with a base.
  • Fit for application for more than 2 hours.
  • Layer thickness can be reduced up to 3-15 mm.
  • Adjustment of tile position is possible within 10-15 minutes.
  • Only 3-4 kg of adhesive mixture is required for 1 m2.
  • Tile-to-tile joints can be treated the next day.